Thursday, July 15, 2010

Doctor Who - TV Ramblings Part 1

Well, catching up on the new series of Doctor Who. I won't say how fantastic it is like every other review. It's not for me. It has more misses for me than hits. I'm a big fan of Doctor Who and have loved almost all the other Doctors but I'm having trouble getting into this new series and I've almost watched all the episodes. I'm just shy the last two. I won't gush about how great the new Doctor, Matt Smith is. I'm not gelling with him. I actually might need another series but as of right now, I'd welcome a new regeneration. I won"t gush over Amy either, hate her. She's way to annoying and doesn't own a pair of pants. But I love Rory who's just to cute for words.

Episode 1 'The Eleventh Doctor'
Picking off were they left when the Doctor regenerated and screamed out the stupidest catch phrase ever, Geronimo. Who came up with that one? The Doctor crash lands on earth and meets a little girl who he befriends, she feeds him for hours and he eventually starts getting better. The Doctor discovers a crack in her wall but the Tardis needs to be fixed so off he goes with a promise to come back. He does come back, some ten years later and encounters the little girl all grown up. That sweet young child became the brat we all know, Amy. Turns out the crack in the wall was serious and Amy is kinda a stalker in training.

What was Good: The episode was pretty good overall. The best part was when there was the flashes of all ten Doctors and then faded in to Matt Smith. I was in fan/geek mode over that.

What was Bad: Amy.

My Last Words: For an episode that introduces a new face for the Doctor and a new companion, wasn't so bad. It actually was a solid episode. Not sold on the new Doctor and I dislike Amy immensely.

Episode 2 'The Beast Below'
Amy, who's still in her pjs, is on her first adventure with the Doctor. They go to the future and discover that Briton is now a floating space ship, Starship UK, searching for a new planet to call home. Guess we screwed the earth up. Of course not all you see is good, they got the terrifying Smilers. There not terrifying, just like those weird guys on the street you encounter sometimes. Plus a really creepy voting booth you never want to go into.

What was Good: The Queen in her red riding hood cape and that white face mask. That made a striking picture and was ultra bad ass.

What was Bad: The plot, Amy, everything. What a dull story for the second episode. Got into a friendly fight with my friend who loved it. I say, to each their own. I actually fell asleep watching.

My Last Words: It's to late to get David Tennant back, damn. I guess I'm just being overly critical. I've loved Doctor Who for years and I'm just not feeling it.

Episode 3 'Victory of the Daleks'
The Doctor answers the call of PM Winston Churchill and goes back to World War Two London during the blitz. He discovers the Daleks working on the side of good to help the British win the war. No freaking way.

What was Good: Not much folks.

What was Bad: Pretty much everything. The Daleks again? I just don't care anymore. The story was weak and nothing happened that was at all exciting. You call that a confrontation? Major let down when the Doctor and the Daleks have their showdown. Dull, dull, dull.

My Last Words: I'd rather see the Cybermen. This episode almost made me quite the series this year. I don't know what is wrong with me. Everyone is loving it so far and I'm just, meh.

Episode 4 'The Time of Angels'
The Doctor and Amy run into River Song as she sends a coded message to the Doctor asking for help. Help with what, creep fest that are the Weeping Angels. They got one and are in search for some answers. Can they find it in a cave full of potential Weeping Angels? Sure they can.

What was Good: River Song and the Weeping Angels.

What was Bad: Almost everything and nothing. The plot was good, the script seemed okay. I just think at the end of the day the episode was missing something. I can't pin point exactly wahat is was, but it left me feeling, that was it. Even though the Weeping Angels were present, it was no 'Blink'. The ever annoying Amy who doesn't own a pair of pants has got to go. But she won't. Over dramatic sobs from me.

My Last Words: River Song rules! Her grand entrance was pretty cool. The Weeping Angels were still creepy as all out. Not a strong episode, but those caves full of potentially Weeping Angels were pretty creepy. Worth a watch simply because of River Song. On to part two.

Episode 5 'Flesh and Stone'

Well everybody is still trying to get away from those Weeping Angels but there's more to worry about, that dang crack in the wall shows up again. Uh oh.

What was Good: River Song. The Weeping Angels. River Song.

What was Bad: The forest setting. Amy. Actually this was a pretty good episode overall. I just don't care about the ongoing story point about the crack in the wall. This is gonna hang on till the end of this series. Ugh.

My Last Words: A much stronger episode than The Time of Angels. The Weeping Angels were awesome per usual. All that creep factor and they were still scary. River Song is bad ass. Can she please come on next season and be the permanent companion. Please.

Episode 6 - 'The Vampires of Venice'
The Doctor, Amy and Rory land in 16th century Venice. They come upon a mystery surrounding the House of Calvierri, were girls from needing families go to better themselves end up missing or have the appearance of the blood sucking undead.

What was Good: The costumes were fantastic and it looked and felt realistic to the era. Most likely since it was filmed in the medieval town of Trogir in Croatia. The makeup was pretty well done, the best this series for me. I mean when they turned into the 'vampires' that was pretty epic. I have to say the vamps creeped me out just a bit. I mean it wasn't scary but the creep factor was totally there. I also just love Rory to bits.

What was Bad: Nothing. I was actually pretty satisfied. Amy still does not own a pair of pants.

My Last Words: Hands down the best episode of the series for me. Helen McCrory was mega awesome as Rosanna, the head of the House of Calvierri. I'm kinda happy I didn't give up the show like I was planing on doing. This episode has renewed my faith. Somewhat. No not really, why give up at this point.

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