Beyond This Moment was actually the first TA book I ever read. I was at Barnes & Noble browsing around when I ran across this book on display. I admit I was actually drawn to the cover. (Hey covers can really sell a book, that's so true.) So I picked it up and read the synopsis. It was a period piece, so I thought why not give it a try. I love to read novels set in the past. Plus it had a western feel to it and I love me some westerns. Got home, the book stayed in the bag for about three days until I picked it up and decided this was my next read. Once I started reading, I just did not put the book down. Eventually I had to because of this pesky thing we humans do called sleep. The next day, I got up did what I had to do and then continued reading until I finished. Did some research on the author and the book series, decided I needed to pick up 'From A Distance' yesterday. I tried several book stores and nothing much to my dismay. I did the next best thing and ordered online. Had to wait seven days because express shipping is way to much money. One book should not cost that much to ship. Any who, got off topic there, got to rein myself in. Reined in. Once I got 'From A Distance' in the mail, read it in a day. I declared right then and there that I would buy every book ever written by this woman.
Beyond This Moment is about Sheriff James McPherson (Daniel's best friend from book 1. He and Elizabeth make an appearance. There in the same town, duh, everyone makes an appearance. It's not necessary for someone to read these books in order. They all are pretty much stand alone stories.) Actually a year after the events in the first novel, so it's 1876 in the Colorado Territory. He's a good hard working guy. the town respects him, he's helping out his widowed sister Rachel and her two boys. Basically his life is somewhat in a good place until he meets Dr. Molly Whitcomb, a professor of Languages. Molly's moving to Timber Ridge to be the school teacher for the town's first school. It's all an exciting prospect and James helped choose Molly in a committee. But Molly has a secret that doesn't go over to well on Timber Ridge. Of course she has a secret, why else would she move to Timber Ridge, a former professor at a prestige college in Georgia.
Molly has a tough time adjusting but makes quick friends with her students, James and his sister Rachel. She also makes fast friends with Josiah, his wife and son. Molly ruffles a lot of feathers so it's not smooth sailing at all. It's basically a whole new life for Molly. She's not use to a small town, there way of life. Molly is a kind, respectable, understanding woman. But some of her actions due cause a stir. Eventually James finds out Molly's secret. He's friendship, love and support of her could cost him his job and reputation.
I wish I could just describe the story more but I'd give away to many spoilers and then why would you read it. Again, the romance is so much fun to read, as is the friendship between Molly and Rachel. There's some very well written action. I mean right away in the first few chapters there's a coach almost going off a cliff and it's James to the rescue. I'd say give this a shot. Why not.